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Mulgrave Road Theatre Centre for the Arts

Rendering ~ Solterre Design

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Big things are happening in small places.

There’s a resurgence happening in Guysborough County, and Mulgrave Road Theatre is part of it.

The theatre company that punches above its weight, always keeping the community in mind, has broken ground on their net zero-carbon Centre for the Arts.

Located at the entrance of Guysborough, this inclusive and accessible Centre will be an anchor point for the public, professional artists, and creators from all walks of life, both locally and from elsewhere.

Designed by Solterre Design to be part of a sustainable future, the Centre will be:

  • a nationally acclaimed showpiece as Atlantic Canada’s first purpose-built net zero-carbon cultural facility
  • a community hub for creative expression, connection and entrepreneurship
  • a dedicated space for Mulgrave Road Theatre to carry out their work locally
  • a magnet for artistic collaborations and presentations
  • a partner for joint tourism projects


After four years of working with all levels of government, as well as corporate, foundation and individual donors, 75% of the project’s funding has been secured.

A Partner and Community Campaign is underway to raise the final 25%.

This facility represents the future of infrastructure – green and sustainable – getting 87% of its energy from the sun. As the first of its kind, the facility will include:

  • A fully equipped rehearsal and performance space with 80 retractable seats, that will double as a community gathering room
  • an art gallery to showcase Nova Scotian artists
  • a lobby and reception area
  • a technical workshop and dressing rooms
  • administrative offices
  • exterior gathering spaces


2016 Strategic planning and the search for a site.

2018 Consultations with donors, performing arts organizations, as well as business, tourism and community stakeholders, all supporting new infrastructure for MRT.

Solterre Design begins work on a functional-use study, Schematic Design and Class C Estimates

2020 Municipality of the District of Guysborough generously donates the former NSLC building to MRT. Through the pandemic, the theatre initiated several community-based projects for all ages, and provided rental space for local organizations.

2023 Design Development with Class B Estimates, Pre-Purchase of equipment and materials, final stage of design development

2024 Construction drawings. Call for tenders

2024-2026 Construction

Completion of the new facility is projected for December 2025

Charitable Registration # 11924 6098 RR 0001

Thank you for your time and consideration. 

Based in Guysborough, Nova Scotia, Mulgrave Road Theatre produces and develops professional works of theatre and fosters artistic and cultural experiences for its community.

We acknowledge the generous support of the Municipality of the District of Guysborough, the Province of Nova Scotia, Infrastructure Canada, the Department of Canadian Heritage and The Canada Council for the Arts.